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Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta
Saint Nicholas Greek
Orthodox Church

Spartanburg, South Carolina

The Orthodox Christian Faith proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the Apostles, and the tradition and life of the living Church worldwide through worship, communion, witness, and services.

Events & News

Our Faith

Becoming Orthodox
Becoming Orthodox

Membership in the Orthodox Church is open to all persons. The Orthodox Church in the United States is no longer considered to be an immigrant Church. She has been recognized as one of the four major faiths in America. The membership of the Orthodox Church in this country includes persons from a wide variety of ethnic and cultural family backgrounds.

The Creed
The Creed

I believe in One God, Father Almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible.


And in One Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only-begotten Son of God,

begotten of the Father before all ages.

A Brief History of the Orthodox Church
A Brief History of the Orthodox Church

The earliest Church, which is described in the Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles, did not confine itself to the land of Judea. She took very seriously the command of Our Lord to go into the whole world and preach the Gospel. 

House of God
House of God

The Orthodox Church believes that God is the Creator of heaven and earth. The Creator is present through His creative energies of His handiwork. This means that the material world, being valuable and good, is an important means through which God expresses Himself.


Worship is an experience which involved the entire Church. When each of us comes together for Worship, we do so as members of a Church which transcends the boundaries of society, of time and of space. 

Liturgy and the Holy Eucharist
Liturgy and the Holy Eucharist

In the Orthodox Church, the Eucharist is also known as the Divine Liturgy. The word liturgy means people's work; this description serves to emphasize the corporate character of the Eucharist. 

Bulletin Readings

April 24, 2024
Before midnight on Saturday evening, the Odes of Lamentation of the previous day
April 18, 2024
It is one of the most beloved services in the Orthodox Church.
Holy Week is the sacred time during which . .
January 29, 2024
Presentation of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ into the Temple
October 2, 2023
Demetrios was a native of the city of Thessaloniki
September 3, 2023
The Ever-Virgin Mary is celebrated on September 8 each year
September 3, 2023
In the liturgical observances of Good Friday the Church views the Crucifixion
September 3, 2023
Does God come first in my giving?
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