If things aren’t right at home, you won’t be affective at work over the long haul. If you’re at odds with your family, you set a poor example of what God intends for the home. Put your family ahead of your work.
Go home each day at a appropriate time. Be dependable. Don’t exploit your family with frequent last-minute emergencies.
Give your best concentration at home. Be there in body and spirit. Work hard at the office and dedicate yourself to your family at home.
Get away occasionally with your mate, if just for a few hours. Escape interruptions and concentrate on those you love most.
Give access to your family. I let my wife and children know they can phone me or walk into my office anytime. They seldom take advantage of that, but I think it helps them know they’re special to me.
Be there when your mate or children are involved in important activities. Rearrange your schedule if possible so you can be at concerts, games, or award banquets.
Be real. Be the same person at home that you are at work. Be as patient, kind and understanding with them as you are with the people at work. They deserve it more.
Taken from monthly newsletter of Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Town & Country, Missouri.